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‘Damn rita that was so fucking good’ he said to me as I laid there with my rear still in the air trying to catch my breath. I didn’t have too much time though to calm down before I felt a slow moving hot liquid running down my upper thigh. It was some of William’s cum leaking out of me. ‘Crap!’ I said loudly as I jumped to my feet. Last thing I wanted was a white stain on Jessica’s carpet. Rushing off to the bathroom I did my best to clean myself up and got as much of it out of me as possible. When I finished I walked back into the living room putting my pajamas back on before sitting down next to William. I still was in complete disbelief as to what I had just done. I asked William never to mention this to Jessica or John because I didn’t want them knowing more so since I sure as hell didn’t want my husband knowing. William agreed swearing he would keep silent. I also told him we could never do anything like this again and maybe shouldn’t even talk to each other about it. William. As the elevator rose so did my cock.the excitement was intense.i kissed her hard she raised her leg into my arm.i ran my hand up her leg ,thigh.i could feel her wetness and desire.i pressed the stop button in the elevator.she grabbed my crouch and could feel how aroused i was.we were kissing hands were all over her .her nipples errect showing through her blouse.i was about to start undressing her there and then when i became aware of a red light tracking our movement.bastards they had a video camera in the elevator.what a passion killer.i wondered how long these hotels had been monitoring the guests and what they do.someone must have a few great i start the elevator and we get out at the 33 floor.once inside we ripped off each others clothes anxious for each to fullfil the night of promise and now expectation.kissing her passionatley we hit the bed no time to pull back the covers yet this is white hot sex and lust.each of us fighting for supremacy.ladies.
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